Saturday, December 1, 2012

AWESOME Heroes Viewing!!! :)

So I looked at my chart of views and counted them in my head. Here's what I got: 88 views!!! Thank you heroes who viewed my blog and thank you to my authors/admins! I would like to give a shoutout to those of my hero friends that I think viewed this blog: Dashing Max, XxPollyxX, Star, Astronomical, Shawnz, Chocolate, Super Ann, and Lillia. I would like a shoutout to my authors (including Admins because they still write posts) Me, Hailz, Shawnz, Super Ann, and Lillia. I have shoutouts to my Admins for being AWESOME and earning it! Of coarse Me, Super Ann, and Lillia. Thank you all, and you admins are now in the Angel Team! You guys earned this awesome shoutout and I hope to see you around! ~Angel


Nice things only! Admins can delete comments and "suspend" you.